Acolytes - contact the Rectory for requirements at 798-7335. Men who are prepared according to Diocesan guidelines and installed in the Ministry of Acolyte by the Bishop. They assist at the altar and distribute communion during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick- contact the Rectory for requirements at 798-7335. Acolytes who are further trained to bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound on Sundays. If you know of a member of the parish who is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion on Sundays, please contact the Rectory.
Lectors/Readers - contact the Rectory for requirements at 798-7335. Men and women who are prepared according to Diocesan guidelines to proclaim the readings during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Altar Servers - Young men in the Fifth Grade through Senior year in high school who are trained to assist the priest at the altar during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and other Liturgical ceremonies.
Ushers - Contact the Rectory at 798-7335. Men and women who help take up the collection and assist parishioners and visitors who come to St. James Church. They are responsible for coordinating a family or group of people to bring up the Offertory Gifts at the Mass.
Offertory Gifts - contact Rectory at 798-7335. A family or group of people who would like to bring up the Offertory Gifts at one of the Sunday Masses. Amy make out the schedule for the bulletin, so plan ahead and let her know.
Greeters - contact Rectory at 798-7335. Men and women who volunteer to stand at the doors of the church to greet members of the parish and welcome newcomers and visitors as they enter for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Sundays.
Cantor/Song Leader - Soloist to accompany the organ or guitar in assisting the congregation in raising their voices, their minds and their hearts to praise God in song at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Choirs - Groups of musicians and singers who assist the congregation in raising their voices, their minds and hearts to praise God in song at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. New members are always welcome.
Organist/Pianist - Contact Jim Fuhrman at 798-7450. Men and women to share their talent with the playing of the organ or piano to assist the congregation in raising their voices to praise God in song at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Lead Rosary- Volunteers are needed to lead the praying of the Rosary 20 minutes prior to the Sunday Masses.
Perpetual Adoration - contact Mary Gramann at 525-0288. Parishioners volunteer to invest one hour of their week in prayer with our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament in our Parish Church. We would like to encourage more parishioners to take an hour of adoration, and to make the program truly Perpetual Adoration. Please list the preferred Day and Hour on the Gifts & Talents Survey you would like to be with our Eucharistic Lord.
Prayer Chain - contact JoAnn Vrbka at 791-5744. Requests for prayer intentions are communicated to other parishioners on the prayer chain. Prayer requests may be kept as confidential as you would like.
Diocesan Retreat Promoter - Volunteers (both men & women) are needed in our parish to serve as Retreat Promoters. The Diocese of Lincoln has a great treasure in the Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House near Waverly, NE. Men and women can attend a quiet retreat from Friday evening at 8:00 p. m. to Sunday at 1:00 p. m. For the schedule of Retreats see or contact the Rectory at 798-7335.
Bible Study - Please contact the rectory at 798-7335.
Marriage Encounter Movement- The weekend is designed to help married couples communicate more intimately with one another in order to deepen and enrich their relationship. The weekend is free from everyday routines, distractions and tensions. An atmosphere is created where the couple can concentrate exclusively on one another in a private and confidential environment.
Retrouvaille - The word Retrouvaille is a French word that means rediscovery. Retrouvaille is a couple's ministry. It is a program that offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending this program. If you have attended either a Marriage Encounter or Retrouvaille Weekend and would like to help with a weekend, contact Frank and Lea Ann Pytlik at 798-2121.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) - contact the Rectory at 798-7335. Natural Family Planning is the only method of family planning that does not require the use of harsh chemicals, devices or surgical procedures. NFP is a morally acceptable method of regulating pregnancy. Couples using NFP easily learn to recognize and accurately identify signs of fertility by observing the natural phases of the menstrual cycle. With an understanding of their fertility they can choose to use this method to either achieve or postpone a pregnancy.
Creighton Model FertilityCare System - Creighton Model is a natural system that allows users to learn more about their fertility and in conjunction with NaProTECHNOLOGY treat many health conditions without the use of harsh chemicals, devices, or surgical procedures. NaPro TECHNOLOGY identifies problems with fertility and helps correct the condition, maintain human ecology, and sustain procreative potential. For more information, contact Kealey Butler directly at or 402-601-7529.
CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) Teacher - contact the Rectory at 798-7335. Pre-K through 8th Grade meets Sundays at the Parish Hall from 9:00 a. m. to 10:20 a. m. during the school year. The high school age youth meet Sundays at the Rectory from 9:00 a. m. to 10:20 a. m. during the school year. The CCD program is offered to children who are not attending Catholic school. The curriculum is Christ-centered and includes education in Catholic beliefs, worship and morality.
CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) Helper - contact the Rectory at 798-7335. Volunteers are needed to assist the CCD teachers in the classroom.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - contact the Rectory at 798-7335. The RCIA consists of Catholic instruction classes held every week from September through May. RCIA also provides the opportunity for those Catholics who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation to attend and receive preparation as needed. These classes are also an excellent opportunity for all Catholics to deepen their knowledge of the Catholic Faith on an adult level.
RCIA Catechist - Any adult Catholic interested in being on the RCIA team and teaching some of the instruction classes.
RCIA Parish Sponsor - A member of the parish committed to attending the RCIA classes with a candidate as well as developing an ongoing spiritual support system for the candidate throughout their life.
RCIA Intercessor - Any member of the parish committed to pray and sacrifice for another specific member involved in the RCIA process such as a catechist or candidate. The intercessor need not attend any of the classes or even know necessarily for whom they are praying/interceding.
RCIA Hospitality - Volunteers are needed to act as a host for the classes, providing refreshments and a quiet, comfortable atmosphere conducive for learning as well as babysitting services if needed.
Totus Tuus - contact the Rectory at 798-7335. A one week program during the summer to help all the youth of the parish grow in their knowledge and love of the Catholic Faith.
Totus Tuus Helper - Volunteers are needed to assist the teachers.
Youth Activities Coordinator - Volunteers are needed to
organize various social activities for
the Youth of our parish.
Parish Council - The Parish Council is composed of the Pastor, the two
trustees, the President of the PCCW, secretary, the CCD Coordinators, a representative
of the Knights of Columbus and the member elected by the Parish to lead Building
& Grounds Maintenance. The council acts in an advisory capacity to the Pastor and
assists in policy formulation in all matters pertaining to the spiritual and financial
affairs of the parish. The
council helps to formulate, develop, maintain, and promote the well-being of the St.
James Parish community and its members. Meetings take place on the fourth Wednesday of
the month in the parish hall.
"The lay faithful should accustom themselves to working in the parish in close union
with their priests, bringing to the Church community their own and the world's
problems as well as questions concerning human salvation - all of which need to be
examined together and solved through general discussion. As far as possible the lay
faithful ought to collaborate in every apostolic and missionary undertaking
sponsored by their own ecclesial family. " (Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People
Evangelization Committee - contact the Rectory at 798-7335. Every parish in the diocese is to have an evangelization or outreach committee. The Church, in obedience to the command of its Divine Founder, strives to preach the Gospel to the whole world. The members of this committee are to provide direction and motivation for various outreach programs in the parish.
Stewardship Committee - contact the Rectory at 798-7335.
P. C. C. W. - (Parish Council of Catholic Women) meet the second
Wednesday of the month during the school year at 7:00 p. m. in the Parish Hall. Every
woman of the parish is a member
of the Altar Society and is invited to attend the monthly meetings. It is an
organization of the women of St. James Parish whose purpose is to foster spiritual
growth, promote Christian living,
to provide candles, wine, altar breads, albs, cassocks, vestments and other items used
at the altar for the Sacrifice of the Mass, and to provide opportunities for friendship
and community
Within the PCCW is four groups. Each group takes a turn organizing various
events on a rotation basis. The groups are designated by areas and include St. Mary
Circle, St. James
Circle, St. Joseph Circle, and St. Ann Circle.
Men's Club -
Knights of Columbus - meet the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Parish Hall. Contact Chris Hytrek at 798-7010. The Knights of Columbus help provide for the spiritual and social life of the parishioners. All Catholic men of St. James Parish are invited to become active members. They sponsor various projects and bring their families together in Christian fellowship.
Catholic Daughters - meet once a month alternating on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Lincoln at the Knights of Columbus Hall 60th & South Street.
Transportation to Mass - Volunteers are needed to assist those in need of a means to attend Mass at St. James Catholic Church.
SCRIP Sellers - Volunteers are needed to help sell SCRIP after the Sunday Masses in the vestibule of the Church.
Collection Counters - Volunteers are needed to help count the Sunday Collection on Sundays after the 10:30 a. m. Mass. The current rotation is about once a month.
Visit the Sick/Homebound - Volunteers are needed to offer fellowship for those unable to attend Mass and other Parish functions.
Pro-Life Activities Coordinator - A volunteer or group of volunteers are needed to help organize various Pro-Life Activities for our parish and be the liaison with the State Director, Greg Schleppenbach, of the Bishops? Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities. Contact Joe Vinton at 791-5918.
Prepare/Deliver Meals - Volunteer workers are needed to help the serve at the Matt Talbot Kitchen (2121 N 27th Street in Lincoln) on the months which have five Thursdays on the fifth Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. Contact Kassie Ebbers at 787-2385.
Matt Talbot Kitchen - Donate Food - Volunteers are needed to either purchase or prepare and deliver food to the Parish Hall Kitchen by 8:00 a. m. on the fifth Thursday. A list of food items needed will be posted in the vestibule of the Church a few weeks prior to the fifth Thursday. Contact Kassie Ebbers at 787-2385.
Funeral Dinner Worker - Volunteer workers are needed to help host and serve Funeral Dinners in our parish as a service to the family in their time of need.
Donate Food for Funeral Dinner - Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver food to the Parish Hall on the day of the funeral as a service to the family in their time of need.
CSA/DDP Worker - Any member of the parish willing to help with the annual ( Charity & Stewardship Appeal / formerly known as the Diocesan Development Program). This appeal takes place in all the parishes in the Diocese of Lincoln every May. This appeal is vital to our parish.
Baptismal Garment - contact JoAnn Vrbka at 791-5744. Volunteers make the white baptismal garments which are given to each infant during the baptismal ceremony.
Public Relations - Volunteers would be responsible for correspondence with the local news media as well as our Diocesan paper, The Southern Nebraska Register.
Bake Sale - Hosted in rotation by the PCCW circles on the fourth Sunday of the month.
Maintaining Parish Web Site - - contact Web Master if you would like to help keep our parish web site up to date.
Help with Altar Flowers - Volunteers are needed at times to help decorate the Church.
Provide Legal Expertise - Volunteers may be needed at times to offer their professional expertise whether in the area of law or any other area you may have. Please contact the Rectory at 798-7335 if you would be willing to offer your professional expertise in any other area.
Other- If you have any other talents or abilities not list here which may be of service to our parish in the area of maintenance, please contact the Rectory at 798-7335.