1. Is it possible to carry on 24-hour-a-day Adoration?
The answer is yes -- it is possible and many parishes have enjoyed Perpetual Adoration for some time. Cathedral of the Risen Christ in Lincoln has had perpetual adoration since October 1, 1959.
2. How many persons are needed to begin Perpetual Adoration?
Since there are 168 hours in a week, a minimum of 168 persons is needed. If several members of one family each take an hour, the number of families is naturally less.
3. What is required of the individual Adorer?
Each person participating in Perpetual Adoration selects ONE HOUR each week, and promises to keep this same hour each week.
4. Who can participate?
A very simple answer -- anyone who wishes.
5. I am not sure that I can keep the same hour each week?
In our human lives we set up a regular patter of action -- a certain hour for meals, housework, shopping, TV, etc. Hence it is really not difficult to set aside the "Lord's hour".
6. Is there any penalty of sin connected with the hour?
Definitely not. It is purely a free-will offering to the Lord.
7. Isn't this asking too much -- a 24-hour-vigil?
These are not ordinary days in which we are living and extraordinary means are called upon every day. The Civil Air Defense is constantly looking for members to "search the skies" 24 hours each day. Isn't there place for some similar "spiritual alertness"?
8. What if I get sick, go on vacation, or there is a blizzard?
If a list of the possible obstacles was made before any good work was begun .. it would never be started.
Be generous to the Lord in committing to the majority of the 52 weeks each year, and He will take care of the rest.
9. Is there a "signing-in" procedure?
Yes, there is a paper (11x17) with all the 168 hours in a week on the cabinet in the vestibule by the stairs going up to the choir loft for adorers to sign their name when they come for their hour each week.
10. May two or three persons alternate for one hour?
This is not recommended, as the devotion is built upon personal responsibility for a weekly hour. Each individual should have his or her own hour.
11. Must certain prayers be said during the weekly hour?
No. Complete liberty is encouraged in that respect. What is highly recommended is the practice of silent, peaceful prayer -- so very necessary in these restless days.
12. Are any books available?
Yes, in addition to the Holy Bible, there will be a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and a few other spiritual books and booklets on the cabinet. Please leave these on the cabinet for everyone to use. (Please do not leave any books or literature on the cabinet or in the church without first visiting with Father Seiker). These are intended to be used as an aid to reflective prayer. As you grow in your spiritual life, you will want to spend more time in quiet prayer, than just reading. Magazines and newspapers are not recommended as they are not generally conducive to meditative prayer.
13. Can there be more than one adorer for each hour?
There not only CAN, but SHOULD be more for each hour as time goes along. This is the only way in which the scope of the devotion can be enlarged. It is desired that all the hours be filled first. However, anyone should feel free to take an hour or stop in for a visit at church at any time.
14. Who promotes Perpetual Adoration?
Each adorer is "ex officio" a promoter. Any one who has found a pearl of great price should share his/her treasure with a fellow parishioner.
Please contact Mary Gramann 402-988-4855 to get your hour in our Eucharistic Adoration Program.