Parents are asked to attend a Baptism preparation class. This is recommended, and easiest to do before the birth of the child, but must be done before the Baptism.
Please fill out this Baptism Registration / Information Form (

First Communion
Celebrated in the Second Grade during the Easter Season.

Administered in our parish by the Bishop every two years for all those in Fifth & Sixth Grade and older who have not been confirmed.

Out of concern for those who plan to marry, all couples will be required to fulfill the diocesan marriage preparation policy. This requires a minimum of 4 to 6 months. The assessment process must be completed before a wedding date is set. Contact the Pastor as soon as possible to begin the marriage preparation process.

Anointing of the Sick
Individual celebration upon request prior to surgery or hospitalization. Contact the Rectory.

Mass Schedule
Monday, 7:00am
Tuesday, 7:00am
Wednesday, 4:00pm at the Gold Crest Nursing Home in Adams (not open to the public currently because of COVID restrictions) and 6:30pm
Thursday, 7:00am
Friday, 7:00am
Saturday, 8:00am

Sunday Masses:
Saturday, 5pm
Sunday, 8am & 10:30am

30 minutes before Sunday Masses,
15 minutes before Daily Masses,
and by appointment